Rats and Mice Removal
Rat Removal
Critter-Catchers offers the finest quality Rodent Exterminating and Control Services for Acworth, Georgia. We provide services to commercial and residential customers in Woodstock, Kennesaw, Acworth, Marietta

Georgia Rodent Exterminators And Control
Our experienced technicians will first investigate your home and/or property to determine where the rats and mice are currently living and how they are gaining access to your home or office. In most cases, we find them living in attics and/or basement areas. We will then place traps in strategic locations where the rodents will
We will then come back to check the traps over the next few days and weeks and remove any captured rodents and reset the traps. Once we are convinced that we have captured all of the rats or mice in your home or office, we will then remove the traps.
We will also seal up their primary access points to prevent further infestation from that area. We can also offer you a complete home exclusion service that will seal up all potential access points around your home or office to ensure that you have no further problems in the future.
Rat Information and Control
Rats reproduce at a rapid rate. They are best known for their spreading disease, ability to damage food stores and homes and for their agility. They frequently live in crawlspaces, basements
Rats have a preference for eating grains as well as
Rats have a 2 to
Abilities Of Rats:
We have included this information so you will see just how resilient and versatile that rats can be. This makes them very hard to eradicate and they have been plaguing humans for centuries.
- Rats are able
climb vertically and are able to jump as high as 4 feet. - Rats are not seriously injured or killed when they drop from 50 feet.
- Rats can fit through openings with a diameter as small as 1/2 inch
- Rats gnaw on anything that is softer than their teeth constantly, including aluminum sheeting, plastic, wood, PVC pipes, cinder blocks
and lead sheeting. - Many kinds of rats are very agile climbers and have the ability to shimmy out of any size pipe that is inside three inches of the wall or outside of pipes three inches in diameter.
- They can also climb inside 1 1/2 to 4 inch in diameter vertical pipes.
- Rats have
excellent balance which allows them to scale brick and other kinds of rough walls offering footholds. They can travel across power lines as well. - Some kinds of rats have the ability to
burrow up to four feet in depth.

Mouse Information and Control
Like rats, mice are nocturnal. They have very keen senses of touch, taste, smell and hearing, but poor vision. These heightened senses are used to constantly learn and explore their surrounding as they are memorizing food sources and their pathways. To make up for their poor vision, these rodents have a tendency to avoid new objects and quickly detect them, even when in an environment that is familiar to them. That is why traps and baits are avoided for a couple of days after they have been placed.
Mice are herbivores and prefer feeding on cereal grains. However, they will eat practically any kind of food. They don’t require much
Adult house mice are slender and small. They are around 1 to 2 inches long, not including their tails, with the tail being as long as the head and body combined. An adult weighs from 1/2 to 1 ounce. They have small eyes and large ears relative to their overall size.
When the outside temperature starts to drop, mice look for warmer areas to live in, which may include houses. For their nests, mice look for safe hiding places. Once they have their nest established, they start to make paths and start burrowing. They create paths that link food sources to their nests. They make their nests from whatever soft materials they are able to
Abilities Of Mice:
- A mouse has the ability to jump from 12 feet without getting injured.
- Mice can leap 12 inches at least vertically.
- Given that mice are
ability to fit through openings as tiny as 1/4 in diameter, it is practically impossible to mouse-proof a building completely. - Mice are sure-footed climbers and able to scale any kind of vertical surface that is rough or texture enough for a toehold quite easily.
The average life span of a house mouse is 9 to 12 months. Forty days after being born they can reproduce, and mate all year round. Usually young are born 19 to 21 days after they have mated and in around 6 weeks are mature.
They are able to fit through holes and cracks that are around 1/4 inch in size, which is approximately the size of a dime. You should take preventative measures to ensure that mice are not able to find an easy way of entering into your house. Gaps, crevices
Critter-Catchers offers two methods for removing rats and mice: poisoning and trapping.
However, the key to avoiding future infestations is prevention. We offer our clients advice on the best prevention methods given their specific conditions, as well as a complete home exclusion service package to prevent any further infestation in your home.
Prevention And What To Search For In Your House
Given that rodents are so secretive and small, many people tend to be unaware that
People frequently find rodent infestations through tell-tale signs of gnawed food packages or mouse or rat droppings. They are sometimes discovered when taking items out of storage. At times they get discovered by chance when a serviceman or repairman accesses a crawl space or attic. Given how elusive they are, it is a good idea to have home inspections periodically.
It is always a very good idea to have a periodic inspection. Begin by searching for rodent entry points like gaps around wiring and plumbing or ill-fitting door jambs. Take note of food items that are improperly stored, including pet food. The main goal of your inspection is discovering any weak areas that can be used by rodents to gain access.
Even trees can provide rodents with access. Carefully note roof eaves. In order to avoid feeding or attracting rodents, one of the more useful things that can be done by homeowners is to not
Pet food should also be store inside pails, and preferably ones made out of metal that have
Garbage and poor sanitation are open invitations for rat infestations. When sanitation is good, it will
The most successful of all rat control methods
We take great pride here at Critter-Catchers
The longer you wait to take action, the more damage they will cause and the more costly the cleanup effort will be! So be sure to call us ASAP if you suspect an animal has moved in with you!
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Service Delivery Area:
- Cobb
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- Dekalb
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- Rockdale
- Paulding